Juli Camarin

My passion is to share as the Word of God [ read more ]

The Gospel 

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What Was the Purpose of Circumcision Marking God's People as Jews?

Hey Juli,

I have a questions I am wondering if you can help me out with. What was the purpose of circumcision marking God's people as Jews? I understand it was part of the law and I found the excerpt that it was commanded in Genesis 17:11 "You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you." But my question is why was that or why did God choose this as the sign of the covenant between them. The question comes from my studying in Ephesians as he references circumcision. So if you have any insight to these things I would really appreciate it. Thanks Juli!


Hey Eric,

I'd love to share some insight into this...

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The Parable of the Mustard Seed

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Kingdom Principle: Seeds; Part XII
Locate in Scripture: Matthew 13:1-23; 31-35; Mark 4:1-25; 30-34; Luke 8:4-19

In our bi-monthly staff meetings, we watched a short video of a recent conference in which Jim Collins, who wrote the book Great by Choice spoke. He is explaining the five core mindsets of leaders who have demonstrated great resolve in running their businesses over long periods of time. We have been watching short segments of this presentation in order to discuss them. In our most recent meeting we watched a segment on Productive Paranoia. While the name is interesting, what stuck out to me was a statement he made which summarizes the Biblical principle of the mustard seed. He said something to the effect of what you do before the difficult times come, will help you to be strong when people most need you. His premise is that being prepared, planning and making reserves has to be done in the good times so when times of uncertainty hit, you are prepared, able to survive and succeed when others fail.

The Smallest Seed

“Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade” (Mark 4:30-32).

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God's Amazing Story of Relentless Grace!

The Book of Romans is a masterfully written exposition on God’s grace and the righteousness that comes by grace through faith. This book (a letter) is the foundation of the entire Christian faith and has changed the hearts of many as they read and understand the wonderful truths nestled inside. Get an in-depth verse by verse explanation of this book...

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Christ In You, The Hope of Glory

Colossians is short book, written by the Apostle Paul to the Church in Colosse. Paul writes about the mystery of God hidden for ages but now revealed to the Church. This mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory (vs. 1:27). Paul explains what this means and how this changes the way we live. Get an in-depth explanation of this book.

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Jesus Changed Everything!

The book of Hebrews is the bridge that connects the Old Testament & the New. This book is about Jesus and how He is the guarantee of a NEW & BETTER covenant. Get an in-depth verse by verse explanation of this book...

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The Teachings of Jesus

Jesus spent His entire earthly ministry talking about the Kingdom and explaining it to His disciples. The Gospels are full of Kingdom Principles for believers to operate in on a daily basis. Join me for this amazing journey through the Gospels and the teachings of Jesus.

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  • About Juli Camarin

    About Juli Camarin

    I’m passionate about Jesus, His Word, living in His grace,
    using technology and creating beautiful things.
    But mostly my passion is about spreading the
    gospel of Jesus to a world that needs Him.


    about Juli Camarin

  • About Juli Camarin 2

    About Juli Camarin

    I’m passionate about Jesus, His Word, living in His grace,
    using technology and creating beautiful things.
    But mostly my passion is about spreading the
    gospel of Jesus to a world that needs Him.


    about Juli Camarin

Books by Juli

Exploring God's Word, planting the seeds of life.