Juli Camarin

My passion is to share as the Word of God [ read more ]

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How to Understand the Bible! 5 Ideas That Really Work

How to Understand the Bible! 5 Ideas That Really Work

God places incredible value on His Word, In fact, the greatest gift God gave us outside of Jesus was the scriptures. He places incredible value on the Word that was written, preserved and passed down to us. It says in the Psalms, “You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word and You have magnified Your word above all Your name!” (Psalm 138:2b AMP). We know God values His word because He magnifies it above the His name, and if it’s this important to Him; it needs to be this important to us.

But what happens when we let our insecurities about the Bible keep us from delving into it? Here’s five ways in which I’ve found helpful to make the Word of God an integral part of my life.

None of These Will Surprise You!

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How to Harvest the Power of a Seed—The Ultimate Guide to Sowing & Reaping

I love tomatoes! I have never fancied myself as a gardener, in fact I’ve never had the time or interest in it until recently. The reason I started was for two things. First, I love tomatoes—not the flavorless kind you buy at the store, rather I’m crazy about the sweet delicious fruit that ripens in the sun until it obtains perfect flavor (this could be my favorite food!). The other reason is that I love fresh salsa—not the kind that labeled mild or medium. The kind that comes with a warning that only the bravest could possible enjoy it. (The hotter the better!) This is really the reasoning behind my foray into gardening—availability for the things I love.

This spring, my husband tilled up a new larger spot in full sun and we branched out to plant a variety of vegetables. Everything from sugar snap peas, to eggplant, to sweet corn (what can I say, I’m an Iowa girl, sweet corn is a must!) And of course, half of our garden is dedicated to my delectable tomatoes, hot peppers, onions and cilantro—everything I need for my two favorite summer items.  

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God's Amazing Story of Relentless Grace!

The Book of Romans is a masterfully written exposition on God’s grace and the righteousness that comes by grace through faith. This book (a letter) is the foundation of the entire Christian faith and has changed the hearts of many as they read and understand the wonderful truths nestled inside. Get an in-depth verse by verse explanation of this book...

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Christ In You, The Hope of Glory

Colossians is short book, written by the Apostle Paul to the Church in Colosse. Paul writes about the mystery of God hidden for ages but now revealed to the Church. This mystery is Christ in you, the hope of glory (vs. 1:27). Paul explains what this means and how this changes the way we live. Get an in-depth explanation of this book.

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Jesus Changed Everything!

The book of Hebrews is the bridge that connects the Old Testament & the New. This book is about Jesus and how He is the guarantee of a NEW & BETTER covenant. Get an in-depth verse by verse explanation of this book...

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The Teachings of Jesus

Jesus spent His entire earthly ministry talking about the Kingdom and explaining it to His disciples. The Gospels are full of Kingdom Principles for believers to operate in on a daily basis. Join me for this amazing journey through the Gospels and the teachings of Jesus.

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  • About Juli Camarin

    About Juli Camarin

    I’m passionate about Jesus, His Word, living in His grace,
    using technology and creating beautiful things.
    But mostly my passion is about spreading the
    gospel of Jesus to a world that needs Him.


    about Juli Camarin

  • About Juli Camarin 2

    About Juli Camarin

    I’m passionate about Jesus, His Word, living in His grace,
    using technology and creating beautiful things.
    But mostly my passion is about spreading the
    gospel of Jesus to a world that needs Him.


    about Juli Camarin

Books by Juli

Exploring God's Word, planting the seeds of life.